Find out more below

Manual therapy
Manual therapy is hands on therapy and there are many different manual therapy techniques. The technique used depends on the type of injury and what is going to be the most effective treatment for it. Manual therapy techniques are often used alongside other treatment modalities such as acupuncture, electrotherapy and exercises.

Manipulation & mobilisation
Manipulation and mobilisations are manual techniques used to physically affect a joint. If you are feeling joint pain or stiffness your physiotherapist may decide that manipulations or mobilisations are the best course of treatment.
There are a wide range of techniques that can be used to move a joint to increase its range of movement.
The manipulation or mobilisation gets the joint moving, also affecting the joint capsule and connective tissue for the purpose of:
Reducing stiffness
Reducing pain, the repetitive oscillations of mobilisation generates an analgesic effect attributed to the Pain Gate Theory
Increasing range of movement
Increasing function

Exercise perscription
Exercises are specific to each patient’s set of circumstances and we consider function and levels of discomfort at all times.
Educating patients on correct exercises to regain strength, balance and flexibility.
Individualised handouts prepared by your physiotherapist on the day of your session.

What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture involves the insertion of very fine stainless steel needles into the skin. It has been used in China for over 2,000 years and increasingly in Western medicine since the 1970s. Acupuncture may be used to treat a wide range of common health problems and to reduce pain. For example, NICE guidelines recommend a course of 10 sessions of acupuncture for persistent, non-specific low back pain. Tension-type headaches and osteoarthritis are other conditions often helped by acupuncture. It can be combined with other physiotherapy treatments such as exercise, manual therapy and relaxation techniques. It can be used when other more conventional treatments have failed.
All Physiotherapists practicing acupuncture in this clinic are members of the Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists AACP
How does acupuncture work?
Scientific research and clinical evidence have shown that Acupuncture can reduce pain by stimulating the brain and spinal cord to produce natural pain-relieving chemicals such as endorphins, melatonin (which promotes sleep) and serotonin (to promote well-being), to name but a few. These chemicals assist the body's healing processes and offer pain relief as a precursor to other treatments such as manual therapy or exercise in order to aid recovery.

Pelvic Health
Approximately 20% of 18-50 year old women will complain of chronic pelvic pain
1 in 3 women experience urinary incontinence during their lifetime
Pelvic organ/vaginal prolapse is experienced in up to 50% of women who have had children
In women who have no children – up to 60% will have some significant bladder/bowel or pain symptom.
Our specialist Physiotherapists treat women through all of life’s changes from teenage years to post-menopausal. All treatment sessions are in private rooms with specific treatment programmes. We can help you with a range of pelvic health conditions including:
pregnancy-related musculoskeletal problems, such as back pain, pelvic pain, sciatica or carpal tunnel syndrome
bladder dysfunction
bowel dysfunction
pelvic floor dysfunction
pelvic pain
pelvic organ prolapse
The Mummy MOT, the post-natal check you deserve.
The Mummy MOT from 6 weeks to 6 years postnatally, have your pelvic floor, tummy gap, posture, breathing and all your movements checked, avoiding any post-natal complications such as urinary incontinence.

Electrotherapy is the use of electrical energy as a medical treatment, to repair tissue, stimulate muscles and increase sensations and muscle strength.
There are several treatment modalities that may come under the umbrella of 'electrotherapy', such as ultrasound and TENS.
After assessment and discussion with you, your physiotherapist may recommend one of the following treatments, usually in a addition to a specifically targeted home exercise plan or other exercise therapy

Shockwave therapy
Radial Extra Corporeal Shockwave Therapy is an exciting new non-invasive treatment which is helpful in providing pain relief for people suffering from a number of common painful orthopaedic conditions or sports injuries. It is a clinically proven evidence based treatment for soft tissue conditions/injuries. This technology has also been approved by NICE (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence) along with several other medical bodies and health insurance companies. A shockwave is defined as a sound wave which stimulates healing for many physical disorders, particularly persistent ones such as tendinopathy.
Radial Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy has been shown to be successful in the treatment of:
Plantar Fasciitis (heel pain)
Tennis and Golfer's elbow
Achilles Tendinopathy
Trochanteric bursitis (Lateral hip pain)
Patella Tendinopathy (Jumpers Knee)
Medial Tibial Periostitis (shin splints)
Generally, 3-6 sessions are required but your physiotherapist will discuss an appropriate treatment plan with you. On some occasions the treatment may be unsuccessful and additional procedures may be necessary.

Ultrasound is sound energy which produces mechanical vibration at increasing frequencies.
Therapeutic ultrasound is applied using the head of an ultrasound probe that is placed in direct contact with your skin via a gel. A typical treatment will take from 3-5 minutes. In the case of scar tissue breakdown it may be considerable longer.
Therapeutic ultrasound has been shown to cause increases in:
Tissue healing
Tissue heating
Local blood flow
Scar tissue breakdown

TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) is a method of providing pain relief without medication. It works by stimulating the nerves to either distract them from sending pain signals to the brain, or by stimulating the brain to produce natural painkillers, which are stored within the body.
"TENS is most commonly delivered from small, hand held, battery powered devices. They can be purchased 'over the counter'
You will normally have one session where we will show you how to apply the TENS machine and safely use it in your own home. We will loan you a machine if it is appropriate.

Pilates is a form of exercise which concentrates on strengthening the body with an emphasis on core strength. This helps to improve general fitness and overall well-being. Pilates concentrates on posture, balance and flexibility. Practitioners say regular pilates can improve, not only the above, but muscle tone, joint mobility as well as stress and tension. There is some evidence that regular Pilates can provide relief of non-specific low back pain.
Our physiotherapists are qualified to teach Pilates using exercises based on research, and tailored to the individual. 1:1 Pilates sessions or classes are available.

Kinesiotape (the bright colourful tape many professional sportspeople wear) is used widely in our clinic by all the Therapists to help treat many problems - not just sports injuries. Different tensions and directions are applied to the tape in order to help support damaged tissues and promote healing. Other non-stretch taping is used to help with alignment and posture.
We're happy to teach you how to self-tape and we stock rolls of tape for you to purchase to use at home.

Aqua therapy
Aquatic/Hydrotherapy is an evidence based water treatment in a specialised pool where the water is warmer and shallower. This means that everyone even non-swimmers can enjoy the benefits of exercising in water. The therapists will design a personalised exercise programme for you using various properties of the water.
Exercising in the pool may not be suitable for everyone and a screening process occurs to ensure that this is the correct treatment for you. Treatment usually lasts for half an hour and there are changing and showering facilities on site.
Hydrotherapy can be used to improve general mobility because, using the support of buoyancy, people are able to perform activities in the water that they could not do outside it. Buoyancy exercises can be used to:
mobilise stiff joints or stretch tight muscles.
provide resistance to movement and to strengthen muscle.
reduces the weight of your whole body through your feet. This can be very useful to allow people who cannot fully weight bear to start their rehabilitation much earlier than they could on dry land.
Walking in the water is harder to do than on dry land. This resistance to movement is called 'drag' and can be useful to strengthen muscles in all areas of the body.
The movement of the water around you can be used to improve balance and co-ordination. The support of the water can reduce the fear of falling and allows better mobility practice.
Aquatic Therapists use a combination of all these methods to produce a graded exercise programme that works towards functional movements that you need for everyday life such as walking. Using floats, flippers, bats and varying speed of movement they can very carefully adjust the difficulty of the exercises to gradually build strength, flexibility and co-ordination.
Aqua therapy benefits

Virtual physio
Quality Physiotherapy Assessment and Treatment from the comfort of your home or office
It is now possible to use video calling to get expert physiotherapy advice and treatment in the home or office without the need for face-to-face contact. Virtual Physiotherapy is important for patients who are unable to leave the house due to many reasons, such as other health problems, childcare issues, time required to travel, among many other reasons.
Most conditions can be treated virtually, giving advice on exercises and what to expect. Give us a call to discuss whether you would benefit from a Virtual Physiotherapy Assessment or an appointment in clinic. Please see FAQs for further information.

Home visits
Home visits are offered in the comfort of your own homer place of residence, so that the surroundings are familiar. This is especially useful if you have been very unwell or have mobility problems.
Home visits can be made in and around Maidstone, but please call to discuss whether your location is covered.
Find out more about how our services can help you.
What we offer
+ 20 years of experience
Thorough assessment & diagnosis
Treatment plan & referrals
Specific exercise prescription
Hands on treatment
Soft tissue mobilisation
Exercise perscriptions
Pre & Post operative rehabilitation
Ergonomic work assessment
Telephone advice
Prompt & convenient appointments